Oliver Cameron came to Alaska with his family in the early 1950’s and settled in the Kotzebue/Kobuk Valley region of the state. He originally came because he had a passion to learn the ways of the Eskimos, immerse himself in their culture, and then be able to share with them his understanding about God.
Oliver also came with a strong value system of living responsibly with all your resources and leaving a light footprint in your environment. He came with an amazing creative ability and a background of extensive skills and handcrafts.
Oliver became known as an Alaskan pioneer and was widely respected for his extensive knowledge of local crafts and survival techniques of the Northwest native cultures. He used this knowledge as a foundation to build his own unique style of homesteading in the North, subsistence style. He built two complete homesites, using only hand tools and local materials. For many newer adventurers, he became a recognized resource person on how to live by subsistence methods in the Arctic.
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