Dan Denslow cutting rounds of firewood with a chainsaw, in front of a white wall tent.
digging with a shovel
Corie admiring garden flowers
Playing Munumanha on the old Ambler airstrip just above the church in Ambler. Often played late into the night during the summer light. Mabel Cleveland is at bat.
Early 1960's Arthur and Minnie Gray sitting by Dan's airplane, Kobuk river has just broken up with chunks of ice remaining along the shore
Dan Denslow placing frozen blocks of sod on a two person carrier to move it
Kalle in Sasha’s garden
Playing ball in the spring, Harriet Douglas in red jacket, Mercy Cleveland behind her.
early 196x Tickett family. Auarluk on left, Sarah standing with three boys
Ambler Garden
Minnie Gray from Joyce
butchering a caribou head
Don Williams with dog team, plane floats buried under snow behind, tent cache on the hill above
wall tent
196x Eating together, likely Memorial Day at the small cemetary used by Clevelands upriver from the Cameron house. Olive and Mark Cleveland with kids and grandkids. Also Lorene on the right, Dorene and Richard facing.
Ole left, Dan right standing on their heads in the snow. Wearing snowshoes!
log chinking of moss
Shield Downey standing by fish racks
dog race on the frozen river in front of Ambler
Robert Cleveland facing and Nelson Griest on the far right, Mina Gries to left of him Kenny Griest front right, Cindy Williams center front, Mary Douglas ? center back facing camera