1969 Gary's birthday in our Ambler house.Mabel Johnson, Mina Griest, Emily Douglas, Griest, Charlie Tickett, Bottom Row R to L. Carrol Gray, Tony Jones Lee, Gerald, Frankie Jones.
Late 1960s Friends Church pastors. Lorena and ? Williams
Late 1960s Gary and Christmas tree in our house.
1960s Meal time in Kiana. Dora Johnson on the left. Eating frozen fish, dried fish, and seal oil.
1960s Singing at quarterly meeting.
1968 Our new cache built by Richard, Dorene and Gerald, by our new house.
1950s Reindeer near Kotzebue.
1950s Whaling Boat and whale.
1960s, Kotzebue. Fur Seal harem
1966? Ricky and sheefish near our house, Ambler.
Late 1960s Lena Saterlee and Jimmy Jones and us moving up-river to Ambler.
1960s at Sesolik. Forget-me-not.
1960s Oogruk skin stretched to dry.
1960s Our dog named Sno-Traveler near Lena Saterlees Kotzebue house where we stayed several summers.
1960s Schiller's canoe with sail.
1960s Taking blubber off the skin.Kotzebue.
1960s Washing muktuk ( white whale blubber and skin) in Kotzebue sound.
1950s Fresh ugruk-Kotzebue.
1968 May. Spring ice breaking up.
1968, spring. Main entry door of old house.
Fireweed in full bloom. Ambler in June.
1950s Carving ivory. Kotzebue, AK. Wearing beaver skin parka with wolf ruff. Ruffon right is wolverine skin.