1969 Mama Lorene cooking breakfast on outdoor stove.
Late 1960s Christmas program at Friends church.
Sheild Downey
1969 Lorene's birthday party. Back center and to the right across back row: Stanley Johnson, Cora Cleveland, Lillian Johnson, Lydia Douglas. A short woman, Evelyn Barr, Minnie Gray, Oliver, Shield Downey. L to right front: Gerald, Jacob Johnson, Marc Cleveland, Edna Griest, Dora Johnson, Olive Cleveland, Catherine Cleveland, Marie Wood, Lorene, Gladys Downey
1950s Reindeer near Kotzebue.
Oliver with Rein by lakeHeidi's collection
1967 Dorene with Rosa Downey Emily Douglas playing a game at kitchen table.
1950s Reindeer fawn.
Woman fishing from the float of a small plane. Kotzebue.
Photo of drawing from Heidi by email of 8-16-13. The yellow pages is some drawings Anne Kirsti Augestad, my friend that Oliver called Annie, and I made of the lashing of the raft. So that some of the groups in the camp that needed some help could look at it to have some ide about how to do it.