Photo from Heidi by email of 8-16-13. Picture skann0006.jpg is a picture I (Heidi) took of the rebars heating, meat drying over the stove
1960s Wood stove Richard made out of oil barrel. With nice oven.
1969 Dorene cooking breakfast. Outdoor stove in front of our house. Using Blazo box as a table.
1969 Lorene's birthday party. L to Right: Eleanor Cleveland, Gladys Downey, Lula Gray, Olive Clevand, Lillian Johnson, and in front Edna Griest, Elsie Douglas. On right back left: Cora Cleveland, Lorene, Evelyn Barr, catherine Cleveland, Lydia Douglas, Minnie Gray, Marie Wood, and Dora Johnson in front.
Inside of the Ambler church. oil barrell wood stove for heat, wooden pews.
Outdoor kitchen at 3 mile place of Mike and Sally Jones
1978 Barrel stove construction
1978 Barrel stove construction
1978 Barrel stove construction - flattened oil drum metal
1978 Barrel stove construction - opening an oil drum.
1978 Barrel stove construction - opening an oil drum.
1978 Barrel stove construction
1978 Barrel stove construction-Cutting open a barrel
1978 Barrel stove construction
1978 Barrel stove construction - using an anvil
1978 Barrel stove construction - completed stove with oven.
1978 Barrel stove construction - completed stove withoven
1978 Barrel stove construction-flanging of stove door