1969 Lorene's birthday party. L to Right: Eleanor Cleveland, Gladys Downey, Lula Gray, Olive Clevand, Lillian Johnson, and in front Edna Griest, Elsie Douglas. On right back left: Cora Cleveland, Lorene, Evelyn Barr, catherine Cleveland, Lydia Douglas, Minnie Gray, Marie Wood, and Dora Johnson in front.
1960s Taking blubber off the skin.Kotzebue.
1960s Washing muktuk ( white whale blubber and skin) in Kotzebue sound.
1960s, Kotzebue. Fur Seal harem
1969 Party by Friends Church - Ambler. Late on a summer night
1964? Olive Cleveland jigging for grayling.
1967 or 68 -Cache built by Richard and Dorene and Gerald
1969 Sarah Tickett and Dora Johnson in summer in front of our house.