1969 Lorene's birthday party. L to Right: Eleanor Cleveland, Gladys Downey, Lula Gray, Olive Clevand, Lillian Johnson, and in front Edna Griest, Elsie Douglas. On right back left: Cora Cleveland, Lorene, Evelyn Barr, catherine Cleveland, Lydia Douglas, Minnie Gray, Marie Wood, and Dora Johnson in front.
1969 Gary's birthday in our Ambler house.Mabel Johnson, Mina Griest, Emily Douglas, Griest, Charlie Tickett, Bottom Row R to L. Carrol Gray, Tony Jones Lee, Gerald, Frankie Jones.
1964? Dorene Gary Oliver by our sawmill, Ambler.
1967? Lorene in parka mukluks and wolf head mittens near our house.
1969 Lorene's birthday party. Back center and to the right across back row: Stanley Johnson, Cora Cleveland, Lillian Johnson, Lydia Douglas. A short woman, Evelyn Barr, Minnie Gray, Oliver, Shield Downey. L to right front: Gerald, Jacob Johnson, Marc Cleveland, Edna Griest, Dora Johnson, Olive Cleveland, Catherine Cleveland, Marie Wood, Lorene, Gladys Downey
1950s A mother putting baby on her back underneath the parka. Wolf and wolverine ruff.
1960s Taking blubber off the skin.Kotzebue.
1967 or 68 -Cache built by Richard and Dorene and Gerald