Playing Munumanha on the old Ambler airstrip just above the church in Ambler. Often played late into the night during the summer light. Mabel Cleveland is at bat.
airplane on floats, Joyce tying down the plane to a drum at river's edge just after break up
Maude Foxglove fileting salmon to dry, sitting on the ground, cutting fish laid out on grass
Corie admiring garden flowers
filling a water bucket from a water hole, Kobuk River. Dora Douglas, a tuk is behind her standing upright.
fueling the airplane at dusk or dawn, Dan Denslow
Two boys sittin on the bank under a cache in Ambler, fish drying,
digging with a shovel
Ambler from Joyce, trail created by the landing airplane, across the frozen Kobuk River, Bucky Bee partially buried under the snow.
early 1960's, meeting the mail plane which landed weekly on a gravel bar in front of the village.
From Joyce -Nellie Johnson
early 1960's Memorial Day picknic at the small cemetary above Denslow's; Cleveland family and Cameron family
Salmon and roe drying, Buckie Bee, Dan Denslow from Joyce
Town Activity on the ice in front of Ambler at Christmas time, log church on the hill. Willows line the race track. Canvas shelter